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Drag Hunting


Welcome to drag hunting with Misty Morning Hounds!

If you have never ridden to hounds before, those antique hunt prints that have adorned walls throughout history are about to take on a whole new meaning.  For most people, a brisk morning, fresh horses, and baying hounds are indeed a life-changing experience.  We hope it will be for you.  Stand forewarned, however, no matter what your riding discipline, it can be come addictive.

We hope that your experiences with us are invigorating and inspiring and simulate as closely as possible the sport of foxhunting.  Drag hunting has, in fact, been a part of foxhunting for centuries.  Then, as well as today, drag lines were laid to insure sport on poor scenting or ceremonial hunt days when it would have been deemed somewhat of a disaster to have a blank day (a day in which no fox was found to run).  Today, drag hunting has these same advantages, as well as several others.  Since more control can be exercised over the terrain to be crossed, hunts tend to be safer and more controlled.  This however should not be confused with slower. Drag hunts often move at a faster pace than fox hunts.  In areas where territory is limited, full advantage can be taken of the lay of the land.  Natural and man-made obstacles can be utilized, and a safer run for hounds can be provided which guides them out of harms’ way.  In the end, nothing is killed except a brown bag of meat scraps mixed with dry dog biscuits.


HORSE:  Any breed of horse or pony is suitable for hunting.  The horse should be physically sound and adequately fit for an outing of several hours.  Highly excitable horses usually calm down considerably after a few times out.  In fact, these excitable horses often take intense pleasure in hunting once they get used to the routine.  It is not unusual for the horses to attentively listen to the hounds, turn to face them when they give voice, recognize calls on the hunting horn, and anticipate the moving-out of the field.  Stallions are not allowed in the hunt field.  If a horse is excitable, he should wear a blue ribbon in his tail.  A kicker should wear a red ribbon and stay at the back of the field.  Horses should be reasonably, if not show clean, during formal hunting season.  Braiding of the mane is customary, though not mandatory, for Opening Meet and Closing Meet.  Braiding of tails is optional on these meets.  Tying the tail in a “mud knot” is appropriate in the hunt field.

We anticipate hunts to last 1 ½ to 2 ½ hours. Though the hunt does not encompass galloping the entire time, the horse should be fit enough for short cantering/galloping spurts of roughly a mile before checking (stopping and waiting for hounds to pack-up or find the scent).  If at any time you feel your horse is becoming physically stressed, notify your Fieldmaster at the check.  He/She will likely allow you to move to a slower field, follow the Field at a slower pace, or hack back to the trailers.  At no time should a rider simply drop out of the field without notifying the Fieldmaster.  In the case of an injury or fall of horse or rider, it is critical that word be passed up, yelling if necessary, to the Fieldmaster.  The cost of a fall, by the way, is a bottle of champagne to the Master at the next meet.  A lot of hunts have fun with this aspect of falls, setting-up a “Hunters’ Court” for the allegedly guilty party, with conditions and witnesses to the fall.  If the horse fell as well (shoulder touching the ground) the rider is found not guilty and does not owe the champagne.  The whole process totally embarrasses the rider and is a real hoot for everyone else.  All in good fun and sport….

It is not necessary that your horse jump in order to hunt.  There will be alternative routes around obstacles, however these might take more time and entail a little faster pace to “catch-up” with the action.  Depending on the number of riders per meet, there might be a second or even third Field of non-jumping riders.  Jumps are anticipated to be not more than 3’3”.  Most will be more on the order of 2’-2’6”.

It is fine to use protective gear on your horse.  Use your own judgment as to whether you want your horse shod or not.  Many will shoe their horse only in front.  Some want pads all around.

TACK:  Since much of the appeal of hunting is tied to aesthetic tradition and the overall “look” of the formal hunt, we would like all of you to dress and tack-up in a fairly uniform way.  Traditionally, English tack is used in hunting.  Forward seat/jumping saddles are best and safest for covering natural terrain and obstacles at speed.  Leather tack is traditional, however we do not object to Brown leather-look synthetic saddles and tack.  Please use plain white or fleece shaped saddle pads (not square) under your saddle and do not carry excess saddle accessories without confirming this with the Master prior to the meet.  Because of safety concerns, some of which are associated with our sometimes boggy terrain, standing martingales are discouraged in the hunt field.  If you do choose to use a standing martingale, please carry a very sharp knife with you to cut it loose if your horse bogs down.  It also poses a danger to your horse if he falls at a jump, as it restricts his head & neck motion where he is restricted in his recovery – which is why they are banned in eventing.  Running martingales and breastplates are fine.  All tack should be show-clean and in safe condition. Stirrup bars should be in the open position.  Use of break-away and Peacock stirrups are allowed and encouraged.  If tack adjustments are required, ask the Fieldmaster’s permission prior to dismounting.

BE ABLE TO CONTROL YOUR HORSE!  Often this means “stepping-up your bit choice in the hunt field from what you normally use.  It is highly improper and dangerous to run ahead of the Field master or right-up on the feels of another horse.  The inexcusable sin is to step on a hound or get in the Huntsman’s way.  Anticipate your horse being stronger in the hunt field while moving with a “herd.”  If a strong bit is used, such as a gag, be sure you know how to properly use it and practice with it prior to hunting.  Excessive punishment of the horse and dangerous or unhorsemanlike behavior in the hunt field is frowned-upon.  The Master or Fieldmaster has full authority to excuse anyone behaving in such a manner from the hunt with no refund.  Far better for the rider to ask the fieldmaster to be excused prior to this point.  If however, a horse kicks out at a hound, whether or not landing the punch, the rider is expected to lay into the horse with a whip promptly and in no uncertain manner on the side of the horse that he kicked-out.  Precautionary measures should be taken in future to prevent such incidents.  If this is done, the fault is usually cured in short order.

Drugging your horse with Ace, Bute or other drugs to mask pain or help in control are also considered dangerous because they dull the horse’s natural instincts which are critical in the hunt field.  Your horse should be controllable and in good health when you join us to hunt.

If you want to use Western tack, or apparel different from that listed below, please check with the Master regarding such prior to the meet, and with your Fieldmaster the day of the meet as to where to ride.  You will be asked to ride at the back of the Field.  This is not a prejudice; we simply want to preserve the traditional look of foxhunting as much as possible.



Hunt field wears white polo or tee-shirts.  Riding shirts with choker or stock tie are also appropriate.  Please do not wear a red shirt (red is worn by Staff members).  Breeches of tan, or buff may be worn.  Please do not wear grey breeches (worn by Staff members only).   We would prefer that you NOT wear coloured breeches such as green, rust, blue, or black.  Black velvet hunt cap or helmet with black velvet cover is required.  Helmet should have a chin strap or harness.  Tall black dress or field boots are appropriate.  They may also be brown. No half-chaps, please.  Boots with hunt tops are only worn by Staff or members with colours.  Ladies usually have black patent leather hunt tops unless they are staff, where they may wear black or brown tops.  If Gentlemen wear hunt top boots they are usually black dress boots with brown tops. Gloves are optional.  Spurs are considered part of proper hunting attire, but not required.  A crop or reasonably short whip should be carried.  Long hair should be contained with a hair net.  The hunting whip with thong may be carried only by members of the hunt with colours.

Hunt Staff wears red polo or tee-shirts.  Grey breeches are worn only by staff.  Black velvet hunt cap or helmet with black velvet cover is required.  Helmets should have a chin strap or harness.  Tall black dress or field boots with or without hunt tops should be worn.  Gloves are optional. Spurs and hunt whip with thong attached are carried by most staff.  Long hair should be contained with a hair net.

On cold days, tweed jackets are appropriate and may be worn over shirts listed above.


Hunt field wears white riding shirts with stock tie and plain gold stock pin.  Breeches of tan or buff may be worn.  PLEASE DO NOT WEAR GREY BREECHES (worn by Staff members only) or coloured breeches such as green, rust, blue, or black.  Wear a black hunt or dressage coat.  Canary vest is traditional, if weather permits.  Members who have been awarded colours wear the traditional coloured hunt collar.  Black velvet hunt cap or helmet with black velvet cover is required. Helmets should have a chin strap or harness.  Tall black dress or field boots are appropriate.  No half-chaps, please.  Gloves are optional.  Spurs are considered part of proper hunting attire, but not required.  Crops are optional.  Never loop your crop around your wrist or carry in your boot.  Long hair should be contained with a hair net.

Subscribing members wear the attire listed above for the Hunt field.  Boots with hunt tops as well as carrying of the hunting whip with thong are reserved only for Staff or members with colours.

Hunt staff wear white stock shirts with stock tie and plain gold stock pin, grey breeches, and traditional red coat (“Pinques”).  Staff typically wears a hunt collar. Canary vest is traditional, if weather permits. Black velvet hunt cap or helmet with black velvet cover is required. Helmets should have a chin strap or harness. Tall black dress boots with or without hunt tops. Gloves are optional. Spurs and hunting whip with thong are considered part of proper hunting attire, particularly for Staff. Long hair should be contained with a hair net.

If rain is expected, rain coats may be carried, tied tightly to the saddle. If the temperature is below freezing, layer-up clothing beneath coats. Ear muffs are permitted on extremely cold days.  Toe warmers are a Godsend to our sport and greatly increase your comfort on very cold days.  Safety and air vests are permitted.  If possible, match the vest to your jacket color, but this is not required – be safe!

Unless prior arrangements have been made, permission to ride on the hunt territories is only allowed on the specified meet days, at the time of, and in the company of the hunt.


Hunting is a very organized sport. Your understanding of what is happening will greatly increase your appreciation of the sport. You would be surprised at how many people hunt for years without really knowing what is actually going on.

In America, the goal in drag hunting is to watch hounds work. In live fox hunting the goal is to view the fox and cry the “Tally-ho!” With animal welfare at the forefront, few hunts pursue a fox to kill – they prefer to have them alive to hunt another day. Many live hunts also pursue coyote.

The riders at the hunt will be divided into “Staff” (the people who control the hounds and other riders) and “Fields” (groups of riders that follow the hounds). With Misty Morning Hounds, the Staff will wear red coats and the field members will wear black coats.

“Staff” consists of the Master of Foxhounds (MFH), who organizes the hunt and is the final authority on matters related to the Hunt; the Huntsman, who is in charge of the hounds and tries to stay with them at all times; the various Fieldmasters, who have total authority over the riders in their respective fields; the Whippers-in, who assist the Huntsman with the hounds; the Honorary Hunt Secretary and the field secretaries, who collect fees, handle paperwork, and keep records in order.

“Fields” refers to the group of mounted followers with which you are to ride. Sometimes, depending on the number of riders attending a meet, there may be several Fields, or Fields may be combined in the case of fewer riders. The “First Field” is generally the jumping field and will maintain a pace closest to the hounds and Huntsman. In the “Second Field” jumps are optional but a good clip is often met to make up for time to go around jumps. “Third Field” traditionally referred to as “Hilltoppers would most likely be a slower field than the first two and may have green horses or riders, those trying out hunting for the first time, children on ponies, or the occasional Western rider.  The Hilltopping Field usually goes from  hilltop to hilltop to afford their Field panoramic views of the hunt.  Pace is usually a walk/trot, and without jumping.

If members drop out of the Hunt for one or several seasons, they must re-earn colours when they re-join, as if they are new members of the Hunt.

A brief note about Hunt Colours: Hunt Colours refer to the coloured material affixed to the hunt coat collar.  Out hunt colours are a teal suedecloth. The hunt colours are awarded to subscription members after several seasons by the Master of FoxHounds, after consultation with the Hunt Staff. The colours denote a member who has displayed enthusiasm and dedication to the Hunt over time, as well as set an example to others of proper hunt etiquette.

Guidelines are in place for people wanting to earn their colours.  These include actively hunting (attendance at 50% of the season’s hunts) for a minimum of 2 years, taking charge of a major project (meeting club guidelines) from Beginning to end, and be involved to a certain degree with the ‘Behind the scenes’ end of the Hunt.  They should have spent time walking hounds, working in and around the kennels, and invested time and/or money towards the working end of the hunt.  They should be familiar and comfortable with hunting terminology, the history of hunting in general and particular to our pack, and such things as horn blows, some of our pack’s hounds’ characteristics, relationships with landowners, protocol, and courtesy in the Hunt Field.

Dress codes vary somewhat from hunt to hunt around the country. If a currently subscribed member of another hunt has his/her colours with that hunt, they will be allowed to wear those colours, or their red coats, if permitted at their home Hunt, at our meets. Out of courtesy, however, they should always ask permission of the Master prior to doing so.


Please read Wadsworth’s “Riding to Hounds in America” prior to hunting. Although dated in some degree, it is the classic foxhunter’s guide.

A few brief guidelines to ALWAYS remember in the hunt field:


After checking in with the Hunt Secretary, you will locate your Field – the group of riders with which you will ride – or in the case of a truck or Hay wagon (otherwise known as a “Tally-ho” wagon) the vehicle in which you will ride.

Prior to moving out, you will notice a silence and tenseness as hounds are let out, let to relieve themselves, and to move past the Fields in the company of Huntsman and Whippers-in. Turn horses to face hounds and stay quiet and still as they move past.

Fall-in behind your Fieldmaster as he or she moves out.

Hounds are taken to a “covert” (a thicket, woods, etc.) where they will be “cast” (put in to hunt for the scent) by he Huntsman. Whippers-in will be stationed in appropriate areas to control hounds and contain strays. Always stop and turn to face Staff when they approach.

Hounds will somewhat pack and/or scatter to hunt the scent. When one strikes the “line” (a strong scent), they should “speak, give voice, open, give tongue “ (bark/bay), and the others should “honour” the finding hound (go to him, also speak, and take-off on the line as a pack). This is the point known as being “in full cry”.  Hereafter the chase ensues, with the Field following behind the Staff; to be more precise, staying behind their respective Fieldmaster.

When hounds “lose” (lose track of the scent), things come to a halt, which is known as a “check”, while hounds try to “find” (search for the scent) again. Sometimes they are gathered by the Huntsman, moved and re-cast elsewhere. Just stay with your Fieldmaster throughout all these goings-on.

Communication within the Hunt Staff is necessary to let each other know location, directions, status of the hounds, and many other things. This is done with the hunting horn, radios, whistles, shouting “halloa” (a yell, sometimes a blood-curdling scream. It is not necessary in the beginning to know these communications, but it is very important to stay quiet enough that Staff, including your Fieldmaster, can hear them.

If successful, hounds will follow the line, find, and “kill”. In our case, this means following an accurate track and finding the brown bag of meat scraps and dog biscuits soaked in the scent at the end. It is a real treat the day the Field gets to witness this accomplishment of many months and years of work training the hounds.

A day’s meet may include several kills, interspersed with checks of varied length. Upon returning to trailers, still remain behind your Fieldmaster and do not dismount until dismissed by him/her. He or she will first check with the Master. Traditionally, no-one dismounts until all hounds are kenneled-up.

The camaraderie of friends and acquaintances is one of the most compelling elements of hunting. Captured in art, poetry, and song, the strong bond of fox hunting has been a source of inspiration for many throughout history. Days in the hunt field are definitely the time to set any personal differences aside and simply bask in the glory of the scene. It is truly a privileged soul who gets to experience this historic sport in our modern age.

Obviously, much more goes into the making of the hunt than these single days of pursuit, such as finding territory, training of hounds, formulation of Staff and members, laying the drag line, “paneling territory” (building jumps), and much more. But, those are all things that come to be appreciated as one becomes further indoctrinated into the Hunt.


Misty Morning Hounds is a private pack. Hunting is by invitation only. If someone is interested in hunting, he/she needs to speak personally with the Master prior to the hunt day. Receipt of the hunt packet stands as an invitation to hunt, however non members should  contact the Master or Hunt Secretary prior to each meet. We would like to keep track of how many plan to attend each meet, so we know how to organize the Fields (the different groups of riders) and hunt breakfasts. Everyone should check the hunt hotline, located at the top of our website page, on the evening prior, as well as the morning of the meets for updates as to time and location or in case of cancellations due to weather or other unforeseeable situations

Membership is called a subscription fee. Season begins with October cubbing. If you plan to join, please do so by the 1st day of cubbing.  Individuals may attend meets without joining, for a Capping per meet for a maximum of 3 meets, and then membership or alternative options should be considered, such as paying double capping fees. Capping fees are not typically applied towards membership.  Exceptions may be made for first time foxhunters, or individuals with a horse new to foxhunting. Children are invited to hunt, either by capping or joining, but must be supervised at all times by their parent or a guardian. Family memberships are available. If special payment arrangements are needed, contact the Master or the Hunt Secretary.

Occasionally, a vehicle will carry spectators to follow the hunt and go to panoramic stops most likely to view the workings of the hunt and hounds. Motorcycles and ATVs are not permitted because of noise, distraction to the hounds, and damage to terrain. Ask the Hunt Secretary if a haywagon is going out prior to the meet, or spectators may also ride in the hound truck.

You may pay by cash, check, Zelle, or credit card thru Paypal. PayPal incurs an additional 5% processing fee.  Make checks payable to Misty Morning Hounds, Inc.  Payments thru Zelle or PayPal are made to  Payment of the capping fee and signing of the digital liability waiver must be made PRIOR TO THE START OF THE MEET. Every person attending the hunt MUST sign a liability waiver, whether or not they are riding.

Supporting memberships in the form of contributions are WELCOMED. Any donation of time, as well as money, is greatly appreciated. We can never have too much manpower!

We hope to see you on many mornings this season out with Misty Morning Hounds. It is a very exciting time for us and we hope it will be for you!

© 2024, 2004, 1996  Alexis L. Macauley, MFH